Be careful with your thoughts. Be even more careful with your words. The idea that you can exert a degree of control over your circumstances is not a new one. It may be scientifically difficult to prove, but ultimately the…

Be careful with your thoughts. Be even more careful with your words. The idea that you can exert a degree of control over your circumstances is not a new one. It may be scientifically difficult to prove, but ultimately the…
Many factors have played into employers not being able to fill positions. Political minded individuals will complain about stimulus packages, while others will tell you that being locked down on COVID restrictions stimulated a period of true reflection. It’s likely…
For some, the initial days of the COVID-19 pandemic seemed more like a vacation. Employees were encouraged to stay home to avoid Coronavirus. Eventually “shelter in place” was mandated and employers were faced with a new paradigm. The lockdown, for…
Marketing and promotions seems like a cliche offering. It’s difficult to get clients to understand that the coding aspects are the easy part. Developing software is the end result of gathering requirements. What determines how effective things will be is…